Academics >> Medical Surgical Nursing

Medical Surgical Nursing



Medical Surgical Nursing Department

The department focuses on implementation of knowledge and skill to develop proficiency in providing, preventive, promotive, curative and   rehabilitative care to the patients.

The students are exposed in the different medical surgical areas for developing skill and attitude while caring the patients with different diseased conditions.  In order to make the student competent and confident enough to provide patient care clinical supervision is constantly done by the faculty. Kasturba Hospital, 972 bedded state-of-the art rural hospital, provides excellent clinical exposure to the students in learning various medical surgical conditions.

Various teaching strategies are adopted by our department to enhance experiential learning. The department is well equipped with various mannequins to obtain hands on training in various procedures like, intramuscular injection, Intravenous infusion and CPR etc. 

Our department also organizes workshop to update the knowledge in Medical Surgical field.